Lead: Farmer CIC partnered by GWCT. Contact Matt Goodall. Mgoodall@gwct.org.uk
Group members: 8
Length of scheme: 2 years
Area of project. 2024 ha
This project aims to strengthen the resilience of the northern end of Cors Caron Bog SSSI which all farmers in the project surround. Working collaboratively with each other and the 2000 acre raised bog which is a National Nature Reserve managed by NRW, the aim is to improve biodiversity, soil fertility, water quality, maximise carbon storage and help manage the tributaries to avoid flooding across the whole catchment including the surrounding farmland.
Holistically focusing on biodiversity, habitat enhancement, soil health and water quality, the project will better connect the landscape. Extending the environmental credentials of the NNR into the surrounding landscape, providing healthier, more resilient ecosystems in the process.
Alongside the environmental component of this project is a desire to improve the well-being of the community surrounding the project; enhancing social connections, well-being and the traditional and historical connection between community and land.
The investment will deliver the required ecosystem services and social well-being through habitat provision, employment, community events and upskilling the farmers to lead on sustainable, profitable farming.
This project aims to demonstrate that farmland wildlife declines (56% UK species in decline, 33% of priority species in Wales in decline) can be reversed, and that this can be done alongside profitable farming in Ceredigion.