Ref: CSFF120007
Lead: Cath Jeffs,
Group members: 13
Length of agreement: 5
Area of group (Hectares): 2600
The project area is principally located in the Devon Redlands NCA (148), but extends into the Culm (149) and Dartmoor (150) NCAs, and will address the following related CS priorities.
Biodiversity: Maintaining, enhancing and extending coastal and floodplain grazing marsh – Maintaining, enhancing and extending ancient and native woodlands – Maintaining arable field margins – Maintaining and restoring SSSI, SPA and Ramsar: much of Exminster marshes is designated for its wetland wildlife, and the project will seek to improve understanding and enhance delivery of the conservation objectives for those sites through the revised
Water Level Management Plan. – Wild pollinator and farm wildlife package- Extending/linking priority habitats, the project will contribute to water quality (reduced chemical inputs, reduced stocking densities), air quality and flood and coastal risk management (enhanced hydrological management, reduced soil compaction). Priority species focus will include: cirl bunting, turtle dove, willow tit, cornflower and the woodland bird assemblage (many of which are present in the west of the application area). – Maintenance and restoration of ancient and native woodlands
Water – Water quality: Addressing phosphate, nitrate, pesticides, faecal bacteria and sediment in catchments entering the Exe Estuary.
Flood and Coastal Risk Management: reducing the amount and rate of surface water run-off, soil erosion and slow the flow measures.
Woodland – Management: Building resilience to climate change; for priority woodland habitat; priority species (woodland bird assemblage); PAWS restoration; Supporting UKFS compliance; Coordinating management of pests and diseases. – Planting: For biodiversity, to buffer existing woodlands, and benefit water quality and flood risk.
Historic Environment: – Stewardship of scheduled monuments and other important historic sites.
Landscape: – Maintenance and restoration of hedgerows and field margins and buffers.
Multiple Environmental Benefits – Enhancing existing woodlands and expanding woodland cover, including in the headwaters of the Teign.