Group members: 18
Area of group (Hectares): 6,500
Lead Farmer: Ian Waller
Contact Email:
The Central Chilterns Farmer Cluster stretches across the Buckinghamshire section of the Chilterns AONB. Its 18 members account for c. 6,500 hectares of the farmed landscape with many of the farms directly neighbouring others offering great opportunities for habitat connectivity and collaborative projects. The cluster is supported by the Chilterns AONB Chalk, Cherries and Chairs project. Cluster newsletter published
Farms range in size from our smallest beef farm at 40 hectares to our 2 largest arable farms both covering over 900 hectares. The average farm covers c. 360 ha.
Farms also host, or adjoin, some of the most important wildlife sites in the county namely 9 Sites of Special Scientific Interest and 54 Local Wildlife Sites.
- Farmland wildlife surveys
- Farmland birds – Yellowhammer, Linnet, Corn Bunting
- Owl species – Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Little Owl and Kestrels
- Hedgerow planning and management
- Chalk grassland
Project highlights as of December 2019:
- 9 tonnes of bird seed fed over winter
- 39 farmland songbird feeders installed
- 5 farmer cluster meetings
- 75 bird species recorded across 35 surveys
- Bird ringing study across 3 farms
- 6 whole farm hedgerow surveys commissioned
- 2 chalk grassland botanical surveys
- New Countryside Stewardship application