Name: Waveney, Water & Woodlands
Contact: Emily Winter
Members: 19
Area: 5000 ha
Water Quality Priorities
Reducing nitrate, phosphate and pesticides in the River Waveney catchment, including in surface water drinking sources from the River Waveney
Reducing the effects of phosphate, nitrate and sediment on sites designated for their habitats adjacent the River Waveney
Controlling the source and movement of nutrients from fertilisers, manures and organic materials, sediment from soil erosion and run-off, pesticides from their use and disposal
Employing buffer strips, sediment traps and riparian strips
Employing minimum tillage and direct drilling techniques to benefit water quality
Ancient and Native Woodland
Increasing the areas under positive management
Protecting, buffering and reconnecting woodlands
Strengthening the nationally significant woodland bird assemblage
There are significant synergies between the water quality priorities and targeted new woodland planting. These can be fulfilled by planting to reduce and intercept diffuse pollution from agriculture, and planting to increase infiltration of heavy rain, reduce erosion or slow the flow of floodwater.