Ref: CSFF050001

Lead: Roger Wardle,

Group members: 6

Length of agreement: 5

Area of group (Hectares): 3798

Members farm a mixture of grass & arable land enabling a variety of complementary options to be delivered. Across landholdings, options can be selected and located where they will achieve most for Fenland priorities; linking, buffering & providing stepping stones between sites, farms, nature reserves & watercourses. All options support the aims of the South Lincolnshire Fenlands Partnership & Fens for the Future Partnership.

During our initial meeting members were interested in options in the Wild Pollinator & Farm Wildlife packages & a variety of fen priorities. Options will support the delivery of wet corridors through the area. Management & advice will be tailored for a variety of fenland priority species including lapwing, corn bunting, turtle dove &, potentially, willow tit; wetland plants (eg greater water parsnip); arable plant assemblages etc.

This would include but not be limited to e.g.: Nectar Flower Mix, Basic & enhanced overwinter stubble, Flower rich margins & plots, Skylark plots, Nesting plots for lapwings, Winter bird food, Cultivated areas for arable plants, Buffering ditches & ponds on arable & grassland.

Higher tier options at a later date might include creation & management of fenland reedbed & buffering of high value ponds & ditches (especially where adjacent or between SSSIs, local Wildlife Sites & reserves). This can be developed in line with information & guidance from the Fens for the Future ditches project & the IDBs These & other similar options could support Water Framework Directive objectives for the lower Welland & Glens.