
Lead: Jim Pimblett, jpimblett@cheshirewt.org.uk

Group members: 24

Length of agreement: 3

Area of group (Hectares): 2653

The group footprint spans an area of land rising from 260m at its lowest point up to 550m at its highest. Consequently, land use is varied which is reflected in the diversity of habitats and species it supports. Two common priorities have been identified across all group holdings; water and wading birds. In addition to this a significant area ancient clough woodland is managed by the group. The following priorities will be taken forward;

Water: This group will take a holistic approach to reducing water pollution (specifically phosphate and pesticide) events and reducing flood risk. Facilitators will work to identify opportunities where it is possible to satisfy both of these objectives in tandem. For example, where soil erosion during storm events is leading to sediment and phosphate enrichment within water courses.

Wading birds: The group area is a nationally valuable stronghold for wading birds including snipe, curlew & lapwing. As a group we would like to improve the monitoring of such species as and take steps to improve the habitats they depend on; blanket bog, upland heath and rush pasture. There will be overlap between improving conditions for these species and delivering multiple water benefits.

Woodland: The ancient clough woodlands of the upper Dane are a refuge for our most threatened woodland birds. This group will work cooperatively to preserve these and address the following management issues; deer pressure and woodland connectivity. Facilitators will work with the group to draw up woodland planting plan for the area and coordinate a group wide deer management plan.