Facilitated by Jess Brooks at the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, the group of 12 farmers have been working together since 2016 and have been busy creating and linking habitats for pollinators and other farmland wildlife over 5,000ha of Dorset
Cranborne Chase AONB Environmental Land Management Scheme Test
The new Environmental Land Management Scheme (ELMs), which is to replace Countryside Stewardship and the Basic Payment Scheme, is currently being designed through various tests around the country, commissioned by Defra. The tests will work with farmers and land managers
Wiltshire Farmers embrace wildlife recording app
The Chalke Valley Farmer Cluster and Pewsey Downs Farmer Group in Wiltshire have been trialling an app for recording wildlife on their farms. Both groups are facilitated by Simon Smart, a consultant at Blacksheep Countryside Management, who encourages them to